"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
-Benjamin Franklin

Strengthen Small Learning Community Collaboration “SLC”

Teachers are able to share important information about students with all members of the SLC, quickly and easily.

Provide Easy Communication With Parents

Teachers can communicate with all parents using the desktop interface. Parents receive a text to their cell phone with an easy to use interface and a menu of predetermined, personalized messages.

Easy Communication With Non-English Speaking Parents

Communicating with non-English speaking parents is effortless and timely. All teacher comments are translated to the parent’s preferred language. All parent responses are then translated to English for teachers.

Easy Collaboration With Other Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators

Each teacher comment flags all relevant stakeholders to keep them informed and up-to-date with student academic progress.

Identifies Students That Need Intervention

The system identifies the students that require teacher interventions based on the number of missing assignments, GPA, behaviors or a combination of any data points.

Provides Easy Access and Accountability For Accommodations

Teachers have secure access to student accommodations based on IEP or 504 plans. Case managers can see which teachers have reviewed accommodations and which are pending review.

Easy Access to Student Assessment Data

Student academic and behavioral history is easily accessible to support academic and behavioral differentiation.