"Now is the time, the streams have converged, and the impossible awaits. I believe, do you?"
-Trish Hatch, Ph.D.

Supports Full Implementation of ASCA Model

Counselors have easy access to all relevant aggregate data to know the level of student academic and behavioral progress at the school.

Supports Implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports

MTSS implementation is made easy with Dashboard data. Data is organized into easy to read groups with drill-down ability to find the students who need additional supports.

Options to Print Call-Slips, Electronic Passes

Makes calling students out of class easy and effortless. Documents intervention provided with attendance tracking.

Supports Interventions for Tier II/Tier III

Easily identify students that need Tier II or Tier III interventions. Quickly create groups for interventions based on counselor determined criteria.

Notifies All Teachers When Students Need of Academic Interventions

Allows teachers to leverage relationships when students struggle academically in other classes.

Identifies Students in Need of Behavioral Interventions

Tracks all minor and major infractions and underlying motivation to allow development of appropriate Behavior Intervention Plans.

Supports Full Implementation of PBIS

Allows teachers to easily recognize and document positive student behavior, including notifying parents.