"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth."
-John F. Kennedy

Improve Campus Safety

All school staff have access to see which students have legitimate passes, where they are going,  who issued the pass and at what time. Encourages positive relationships between supervisors and students allowing them to greet students by name.

Connects After-School Support Providers

Allows for congruence between teachers and after-school staff by integrating them into the knowledge base. After school providers are able to review student academic and behavioral data gathered by teachers and also input data from after-school programs in a timely and secure method, creating a more complete profile of services provided to students.

Connects Coaches

With appropriate parent permission, athletic coaches can be provided with timely, relevant information to leverage their influential, privileged position of authority to improve student academic success.

Connects After-School Tutoring

Improves communication among school staff and other influential stakeholders. Parents and coaches can be notified when students attend academic and behavioral interventions after-school, including sports.